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  • Writer's pictureÁgústa Sigrún Ágústsdóttir

Coaching with Conscience

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

I recently finished my last coaching session with a client I partnered with on the Coaching with Conscience program. I was offered to be a member of an international coaching squad, a program initiated by Tracy Sinclair and her team. This was back in March this year and I said yes, without thinking about it too much, more in the spirit of „why not “. The program started gradually in April the but then took off in May.

Coaching with Conscience specialises in offering high-quality coaching and coaching-related services in support of positive social impact and social progress. I committed to offering 3-6 virtual coaching sessions on a pro bono basis to support some of the front-line key workers in the UK. The coaching clients were from various sources; mainly from two charities though which are focused on providing support to vulnerable people within the community.

I enjoyed thoroughly being able to help, extending over the Atlantic ocean, to people who really needed more support in their job. I had extremely rewarding sessions with my appointed coachees. Somehow, like is often the case with coaching, I felt I gained equally from our conversations. The learning was mutual and my reward was being there for people who possibly were struggling during the Covid-19 pandemic. I often exit a sound coaching conversation as a better person than before. That was certainly the case with my Coaching with Conscience clients, and I am ever so thankful.

The fact is that people from all over the globe are hiring coaches to help them get to the next level in every area of their lives, as they’re being forced to pivot and transition due to the global pandemic. Change is hard but will at some point be necessary for the upcoming months or maybe the change has already taken place and you are adjusting. It is a critical step both at work and at home where coaching is essential.

A coaching conversation is nurturing, dynamic, educational and enables a catalyst like myself to feed my strengths. When trust is generated and the coachee allows himself to dig deep, to find the core, the outcome is often transformational. The energy in the room or “Zoom room” after a coaching session is always higher than before. To see other people take-off and gain clarity feels magical, to be honest.

Thank you, Tracy, Hilary and Lara for offering me to be a part of this wonderful program.

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